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Voting has already started and ends on Monday, December 25th 11:59am EST.
So be sure to cast your vote today!

Troy Has It!

Plan Your Visit Today!

Whether you’re here to explore the arts, satisfy your culinary cravings, or immerse yourself in the city’s history, Troy Has It! Start planning your visit today and experience the vibrant charm of this remarkable city. Troy welcomes you with open arms, eager to share its treasures and create lasting memories. Troy Has It! – come and discover it for yourself!

Historic District

Historic District

The Troy City Council has designated as local historic districts a select group of neighborhoods whose architectural character reflects some particular aspect of our rich past.

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Troy’s dining scene is a delectable fusion of flavors, featuring an array of restaurants, cafes, and breweries that cater to all tastes and preferences. Whether you’re a foodie looking for

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Annual Events

Annual Events

The following is a list of special events that take place throughout the year.

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Discover the Arts

Art Galleries

Art Galleries

For live music enthusiasts

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Hangar on the Hudson

Hangar on the Hudson

For live music enthusiasts

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Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)

Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)

Groundbreaking performances in dance, music, theater, & film.

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Prospect Park

Prospect Park

Prospect Park, 65 Prospect Park Rd, Troy, NY 12180 Prospect Park is one of three major parks in the City of Troy. The park consists of approximately 80 acres of

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Knickerbacker Park

Knickerbacker Park

Knickerbacker Park is one of three major parks in the City of Troy. The park was named in memory of Thomas A. Knickerbacker.  Knickerbacker Park has the following amenities:

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Frear Park

Frear Park

Frear Park is one of three major parks in the City of Troy donated by the family of William H. Frear in 1917. The Frear family gift came with four

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More Parks